

Co-Founder, 2023

SOFIA, short for Social Omni-Present Bot for Instant Answers, is an advanced social bot that leverages the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) model to provide instant answers for a wide range of tasks and questions

FAQ ChatBot

NLP course Project, 2023

FAQ chatbot specialized in selling TVs, capable of detecting intents, classifying domains, and extracting slot values (e.g., destination size, company name, etc.)

Question Answering on knowledge graphs using DDQN

RL course Project, 2023

Built an RL-based agent that can answer complex multi-hop questions over a knowledge graph. Used the Doubled DQN algorithm to train the agent to learn to predict a sequence of actions to navigate the knowledge graph to find the correct answer

Developed machine learning classifiers for EEG data analysis

ML course Project, 2023

Implementing machine learning algorithms to develop classifiers for Electroencephalography (EEG) data. Assessing the performance of different classifiers to determine the most effective approach for EEG data classification